The Fred. Olsen Express Transgrancanaria Bike is a race organised by Arista Eventos S.L.U. in collaboration with the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and the Town Hall of San Bartolomé de Tirajana.


The Transgrancanaria Bike will be held between 16 and 19 May 2024, with a programme of stages as follows:

1 Thursday, 16th May 31 km Cercados de Araña – Cercados de Araña
2 Friday, 17th May 23 km Parque Sur Maspalomas – Ayagaures
3 Saturday, 18th May 45 km Cañón del Águila – Cañón del Águila
4 Sunday, 19th May 70 km Parque Sur Maspalomas – Parque Sur Maspalomas

The Transgrancanaria Bike is an individual race.

Participants can register for the complete programme of the 4 stages (All Stages) or sign up for any of the stages independently.

The competition is held in accordance with the technical and sporting regulations of the Royal Spanish Cycling Federation.

The participants of the Transgrancanaria Bike must:

  • Participants in the Transgrancanaria Bike must:Be over 18 years old to participate in the All Stages.
  • Be over 16 years old to participate in the individual stages.
  • Hold a competition cycling licence, approved by a national cycling federation and by the UCI. Those who do not have an annual licence for competitive cycling must obtain a temporary licence, approved by the Royal Spanish Cycling Federation (RFEC). It is possible to acquire this temporary licence with the registration, by selecting the option of the compulsory accident insurance.
  • Read and accept the rules and disclaimer of the event.

Anyone wishing to participate in this competition must register via the official website: In order for the registration to be valid, it is compulsory to fill in all the information requested on the form and pay the registration fee.

The deadline for registration is 15 days before the event or as soon as the available places are filled.

You can see the registration deadlines and prices in this link.

The registration fee is not refunded if a participant is disqualified or drops out of the competition.


For the Transgrancanaria Bike 2024, participants have two options to cancel their inscription:

1. HIRING THE REFUND INSURANCE. Each modality has a refund insurance that will consider the inscription refund.

The refund will be effective until 30 days before the race (except for the amount of the insurance) in the following well-justified cases via email at

  • By injury or serious illness, accident or death of the rider, their partner or their first-degree relatives.

  • By senior illness that requires hospitalisation or by the death of their spouse or partner or their first-degree relatives until 30 days before the event.

2. WITHOUT HIRING THE REFUND INSURANCE. The participant who does not hire the refund insurance at the time of the inscription may have a refund of a percentage of the total amount of the inscription attending on the following dates: 

  • Until April, 19th 2024: Refund of 50% of the inscription

After this date, the race organisation will not refund under no circumstances the amount of the inscription to those participants who did not hire the refund insurance. 


CATEGORY CHANGES. Category changes will be allowed until 30 days before the race. Participants who change to a major category will pay the proportional difference. Participants who change to a minor category will receive a pertinent refund of the inscription.

OWNERSHIP CHANGES. Ownership changes will be allowed until 15 days before the race. Participants who want to transfer their race bib to another person will inform in time and manner via email at


Participants must behave in a sporting and honest manner, respecting the organisation and competitors, in accordance with the rules and on an equal conditions.

Care for the surroundings and the environment is a basic premise. It is compulsory to respect crops, livestock and public and private property in general. Similarly, for the provision of liquids both at race supply points and at the finish line, and with the aim of reducing waste during the race, cyclists will need to carry their own cup, bottle, or canteen. Participants will be responsible for any damage caused as a result of this type of behaviour.

Road safety is another very important aspect. The organisers may or may not close public roads and participants must respect the rules of the road in towns and on public roads and highways.

In addition, participants will be disqualified from the competition if they display paramilitary attitudes, make apologies for terrorism, show violent or xenophobic attitudes, or litter in the countryside.




The organising entity reserves exclusive rights over the image of Transgrancanaria Bike, as well as the audiovisual, photographic and journalistic exploitation of the competition. Any media or advertising project must first have the express written consent of the organisers. If this is not the case, any legal action deemed appropriate will be taken.



It will be compulsory for runners to use and place in the indicated space the advertising material provided by the organisation (race bibs, stickers, etc.). Modifying, folding or hiding the advertising material will be PENALTY. Furthermore, it will be the responsibility of the participants to maintain said material (race bib, stickers, etc.).



By registering for any of the Transgrancanaria Bike races, participants give their consent for the organisation of the race to automatically process their personal data for sporting, promotional or commercial purposes only.

In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1995 of 13 December 1995 on the Protection of Personal Data, participants have the right to access these files in order to rectify or cancel all or part of their content. To this end, a written request must be made to the following address:

In addition, those registered expressly grant the organisation the right to reproduce the name and surname, the classification obtained and the participant’s own classification, the category, the sports brand and the image of the participant.


The aid stations and technical assistance areas are properly signposted along the route. These have everything necessary to cover the food and hydration needs of the participants during the stage.

For the provision of liquids both at race supply points and at the finish line, and with the aim of reducing waste during the race, cyclists will need to carry their own cup, bottle, or canteen. 

The aid stations coincide with the technical assistance zones, unless otherwise indicated.




The classifications of each stage are determined by the time taken to complete each stage, plus any accumulated time penalties.

The total sum of the time for completed stages and the total time penalties establish the general classification.

Any participant who officially does not complete a stage is out of the classification and is not considered a Finisher.

The following categories are established:

  • Elite Male: A man who must be 19 years or older by December 31st of the year in which the competition is held. Must possess a licensed racing cycling license. Those who do not possess it will not receive UCI points or cash prizes.
  • Elite Female: A woman who must be 19 years or older by December 31st of the year in which the competition is held. Must possess a licensed racing cycling license. Those who do not possess it will not receive UCI points or cash prizes.
  • Master 30 (male): A man who must be 30 years or older by December 31st of the year in which the competition is held. Must possess a licensed Master racing cycling license. Those who possess an Elite category license cannot compete in this category.
  • Master 40 (male): A man who must be 40 years or older by December 31st of the year in which the competition is held. Must possess a licensed Master racing cycling license. Those who possess an Elite or Master 30 category license cannot compete in this category.
  • Master 50 (male): A man who must be 50 years or older by December 31st of the year in which the competition is held. Must possess a licensed Master racing cycling license. Those who possess an Elite, Master 30, or Master 40 category license cannot compete in this category.
  • Master 60 (male): A man who must be 60 years or older by December 31st of the year in which the competition is held. Must possess a licensed Master racing cycling license. Those who possess an Elite, Master 30, Master 40, or Master 50 category license cannot compete in this category.
  • Female Master: A woman who must be 30 years or older by December 31st of the year in which the competition is held. Must possess a licensed Master racing cycling license. Those who possess an Elite category license cannot compete in this category.
  • E-Bikes: Participants competing with an electric bicycle that meets the requirements established in Article 12 of this regulation.



Stage Awards:

Each stage has an award ceremony consisting of:

  • Elite Male Classification: Top 5 cyclists
  • Elite Female Classification: Top 5 cyclists
  • Overall Male Classification: Top 3 cyclists
  • Overall Female Classification: Top 3 cyclists


Cumulative Awards (final classification after the fourth stage):

After Sunday’s stage, the final trophy ceremony will award:

  • Elite Male Classification: Top 10 cyclists
  • Elite Female Classification: Top 10 cyclists
  • Female Master: Top 3 cyclists
  • Master 30 (male): Top 3 cyclists
  • Master 40 (male): Top 3 cyclists
  • Master 50 (male): Top 3 cyclists
  • Master 60 (male): Top 3 cyclists
  • E-Bikes (female): Top 3 cyclists
  • E-Bikes (male): Top 3 cyclists

The winners and leaders of the race have a podium ceremony which attendance is mandatory.

Cash prizes are awarded to Elite categories following UCI regulations.

Cash prizes are paid via bank transfer once the race is finished. After the race, the organization will request from the winners, via email, all the required documentation to proceed with the payment.

If the organization does not receive a response from the winner within 3 months from the last day of the race, it is understood that the participant renounces receiving the corresponding cash prize.


The starts lines of each stage will be distinguished by boxes of participants according to their categories. For safety reasons, the starts may be neutralised up to a point where the competition begins.

In addition, the organisers may modify the finishing point of each stage if the safety of the event so requires. In both cases, this information will be clearly provided to the participants.


A rider or team can be penalised or disqualified for any of the following (the refereeing team shall have the power to issue warnings, if it considers it appropriate, before applying a penalty):

10.1. Failing to respect the waymarked route or course signage for short-cutting.

10.3. Refusing to wear the race bib, cutting it off or giving it up.

10.4. Changing or modifying the markings on the material provided by the organisation.

10.5. Throwing litter during the race.

10.6. Preventing another runner from being overtaken or hindering another runner.

10.7. Not carrying the material required by the organisation at each checkpoint.

10.8. Disregarding the indications of the organisers, referees, marshals or collaborators (Civil Guard, Civil Protection, etc.).

10.9. Not passing through any of the chip control points.

10.10. Not wearing or not putting on any of the material indicated by the organisation.

10.11. Requesting help without needing it.


11.1. Causing a sporting incident (aggression or insult) to a competitor, member of the organisation, member of the official team or spectator.

11.2. Voluntarily causing an accident.

11.3. It will be the responsibility of the race committee to establish the penalties and the severity of these, which will range from disqualification to expulsion from the event according to the criteria of severity and proportionality of the same.


Participation is limited to strictly standard models with pedal-assist system, with a maximum power of 250w and a power limiter that cuts off at 25km/h. The event will have staff to ensure that all ebikers participate in the maximum equality of technical conditions. It will not be allowed to compete with more than one battery and this will be marked at the start of the race and checked at the end of it.

The organisers reserve the right to refuse the participation of E-bikes in some of the stages in accordance with the environmental regulations of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria.


The Race Directors may suspend, shorten, modify, neutralise or stop the race for safety reasons or for reasons of force majeure beyond their control and not attributable to the organisation (weather, variations in water flow, etc.).

The Commissaires Sportifs are responsible for the Mandatory Checkpoints. Failure to obey the instructions of a Commissaire Sportif may result in disqualification. Participants may not complain or question the stewards about the rules, classifications, routes, etc.


All complaints will be accepted upon payment of a €50 deposit. This deposit will only be refunded if the organisation considers the complaint to be justified. Complaints must be made in writing and must comply with a minimum format, which must include the following:

  • Name and surname of the person making the complaint.
  • National Identity Card/ Passport
  • Name and surname(s) of the athlete(s) concerned.
  • Bib number
  • Alleged facts.

Complaints concerning the provisional classifications may be submitted up to 30 minutes after their publication.


The organisers reserve the right to suspend the race in the event of force majeure, under alert from the competent authorities and/or adverse weather conditions. In such a case, registration fees will not be refunded and participants’ expenses will not be covered.


The formalisation of the registration in the Transgrancanaria Bike implies the acceptance of the provisions contained in these regulations.

These regulations may be corrected, modified or improved at any time by the organisation, as well as any other data, rule or section for the optimum running of the race. By registering, the participant accepts these rules and regulations.